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Tingz aka Joey
13 May


Taiwan Trip
Indonesia Trip
Juicy Conture watch
Crown Jacket
Crown/Tiara/Evil Angel tattoo



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Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:07 PM

table tennis is the new craze for our OBLS - temp staffs.

been taking lunch time to play with my collegues and even stay back after work to play.

i exercise hor...

juz travelled to Yishun to reborn my hair~ dun trust the one at BB with my hair liaox.

Simon came to look for me after my reborning~ was thinkin of gg to my collegues' invitation to their church performance but the timing not very gd laa.. plus dere nth much to do in Yishun~

down to PS.. jam lor.. i actaully fall asleep. hahax. wanted to catch movie but the timing cannot make it.. i need to get cake home.. so juz shop ard PS den Cindy came look for me cos she was bored waiting for her guy to be done.

had coffee at cafe cartel before heading home~

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 5:13 PM

hmmm.. dunno where to start updating from.

26 Sept
wake up early.. meet danny eat breakfast at Tiong Bahru Market den down to PS to get tix den to east coast for blading.

blade for awhile nia cos danny's skate cmi... one by one the strap break. lolx.

den down to danny's place while he go change den send me home to change.. den down to PS to catch our movie, Phobia 2. Not bad la.. not tt scary.. every story(dere is 5) got meaning de.

down to chinatown after tat to eat frog leg rice(cos he dun eat porridge) den turn over to Keong Siak St for me to find Cindy at Crazy Hours to borrow make up(cos my fake lashes drop so my eyelinear drop) den also borrow toilet shit. lolx.

den down to Bellini Grande cos danny's fren, Alvin bday.. stupid danny. pour martell with GREEN TEA. sux to the core.. almost blackout in the club. lolx.

after Bellini was NaNa(last time de MoMo)~ finally got a chance to see what kind of environment izzit. it's damn smokey inside.. =.=

drank beer dere.. play five-ten.. direction.. lost to this guy, Brian(danny de fren de fren) lolx.

pix are found in FB~

Wednesday, September 09, 2009 10:52 AM

out with Chris ytd. the one tt stay so near me at blk 27 nia lor.. also same bday as me!

went Harbour Front dere had fried hokkien prawn noodle & "orh jian". after that walked ard vivo in circles while chatting.

went into Toyr'Us(dunno how to spell) den we keep playing with the babies toys n etc till it's close. den walk in the National Geographic "lane" n he did something funny lor.. dere's a display of things.. but he nv c tt it has glass panel de.. den he try to touched but touched the glass instead =.= i din noe de lor.. he ownself confess de. hahax

after tt walk to the back of vivo to look at the see and construction site n ppl kissing =.=

chatted.. tot danny will join in the end nv.. cos he gg in m'sia...

chattin with chris at vivo till 12am den walked over to MacD buy drinks before we walk home from vivo. den chatted at my hse downstairs till like 2am??!!

at home still chatted on phone till 3.30am.. can die arhz liddat..

i feel tt am so "li hai" suddenly... the sleeping time :
Sun - 3am
Mon - 2am
Tue - 3.30am

Monday, September 07, 2009 7:33 PM

last min danny sms for dinner with yongsheng n huajie.. tis time i clever le. i ask him dun gimme heart attack so he say he go fetch yongsheng 1st.

went to yishun dere to have "zi char". pretty cheap ehx. we 4ppl ordered.. 1big pineapple rice, veg, fish, calamari, sweet n sour pork, malt prawn and it costed $54 nia..

after tt, my slipper gave up on me. =.=

work was alright. wanted to eat with collegue de. but danny smsed for lunch so join him instead lor.. if not everyday eat BM food also sianz~

Sunday, September 06, 2009 2:22 PM

very nice of danny to come find me for lunch. went to queenstown dere to have fishball noddle n poh pia..

waiting for traffic light to change

he is still driving when takin tis pix!

another sat at Bellini Grande~
luckily i started preparing before 7.45pm(cos danny says he wake up at tt time). cos juz nice am done preparing(ard 8pm plus) danny msg n say he reach le.

fetch me le.. went to opposite block fetch him fren, Chris. den to Havelock Rd eat Ba Kut Teh.. n stupid danny tinks tt Beo Crescent is Havelock Rd.

after dinner, went to Kim Tian dere fetch another fren, Alvin. den to Cineleisure fetch Chris de fren. reached the club ard 10.30pm.

me n chris agree that danny is auto high. any song he also can dance to himself =.=

with Chris

in smokin room

Thursday, September 03, 2009 10:16 AM

finally meet my poly gfs ytd.. Angela n Xinru~

meet at Tiong cos lazy me dun like to travel so far.. hahax. had teh o iced and teh terak iced with angela while waiting for xinru to arrive.. wanted to buy heels but no nice de.. =.=

ate at "Bie Fu" and chatted quite abit. lots of share with them laa~~

stupid jackson was at Mt. Faber Safra with Ernest den keep callin me to go find them as they wan me to buy MacD for them =.= i din noe MacD ala carte burgers are so cheap till i help them to buy. a Mac Chicken and Double Cheeze burger only cost $2 each!

end the session with angela n xinru early to deliver the burgers down.. after jack and nest eat finish jiu wanna go home liaox cos ujin fly aeroplane... seems like jack still hungry n he find it to early to be home, i suggested to acc him to crescent to eat. he's sure a pig lor... still can eat chicken chop! and tis chicken chop is his 5th meal of the day! wad the....

had pork porridge and oily egg before work.. walk with sis to bus 65 and 855 bus stop(cos i was pretty late le) when i vomited =.= yuck! porrridge mix with coffee de vomit.

so.. msg my boss n go home.. gg to see a doc later.. has been runnin in and outta toilet..

Wednesday, September 02, 2009 11:49 AM

ytd... suddenly big rain~ but i still went ahead to lunch at MacD cos Alvin came over with Ivan to acc me have lunch~

got free lunch from NS gg ORD de alvin where i suan him sayin my pay is more than him. hahax.

pretty busy day ytd cos only 3 operator...

was home fast after work. 6pm off work, 6.30pm reached home n online le. hahax. slack till parents buy dinner home.. go MSN with my hp after i shower n washed my hair.. n i fall asleep!! i also dunno how n when i wake up to end the MSN application.. hahax.

but tis follow up with a bad hair day!