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Tingz aka Joey
13 May


Taiwan Trip
Indonesia Trip
Juicy Conture watch
Crown Jacket
Crown/Tiara/Evil Angel tattoo



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Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Saturday, January 29, 2005 11:30 PM

hp rang in the noon~ cockroach called~ lolx. asked if am gg down queens. wan mi buy water for him. nwayz, went down still cos so near only. he wanted mi to buy a 1.5litre green tea. bought from my market here den bring all the way to queens lookin like a blardy maid? lolx. sOo many ppl were there. is there really nice things to shop? probably for ah beng clothes and kawaii jap jap gal clothes? chatted a while den went home~ bath all these den met angela at queens again to shop bit. nth spotted.

went down town~ saw Spen at cine! whao~ so fated huh~ i juz miz c-in that gal! my "laogong" k? shop ard. end up eatin at far east~ so fUll~ spotted a tube... but.. 24bucks for it.. consider la~ ended up buyin nth but two rubber bands~! lolx.

11:29 AM

wad face~ when we takin neo print yuan yan dunno how to pose, now she noe.. neo print stress? lolx. Posted by Hello

11:28 AM

me and yuanyan invadin the new print machine~ Posted by Hello

11:28 AM

bubble tea~ strawberi red. peppermint milk green. Posted by Hello

11:06 AM


ytd.. went sch for math xtra lesson~ stupid kean yan.. sabo me again~ say is i say the cls is at 1pm one~ evil!! lolx.

went town with yuanyan and angela~ took neo prints~! lolx. den rush down to bugis meet my mama together le~ was walkin to the bus stop to take bus 7 when i saw spen. so happy~ we gave each other a hugz. lolx. went levis shop to try on jeans~ i tried on many.. too fussy.. so nv get any as usual~ yuanyan also tried some~ but dunno her eh~ saw a guy who got toro's hair and.. jay zhou's face? lolx. dunno wad language he is talkin abt. yuanyan and angela left after that den mi and mama went to seiyu to shop for... bras! lolx. oh oh oh, saw cong cong [aka kun loong] with... ai lian~ cant believe that they are together? lolx. nwayz, din bought anythin in bugis laaaaa.. nth nice~ lolx.

went tiong instead to buy bras~ went ERO. nice bra they have~ lolx. bought some there. lolx.

rush down town to meet rena. went to get candy and card for spen~ her bday mah. wanna bluff her that the candy and card is her present lolx. jiade came along too~ went boat quay to find her cos she was at monks~ she's juz so happy and excited. =))) went it finally pass 12, we gave her a bday hugz den... went off already lo.. lolx.

Thursday, January 27, 2005 5:44 PM

slackin day for mi again~ had lunch.. tv.. online.. the cool guy was online! lolx.here it goes. . .

simple said:
excuse me.. u are??
simple said:
// [O]nly you, caught my eyes ` said:
simple said:
// [O]nly you, caught my eyes ` said:
btw, hihi
// [O]nly you, caught my eyes ` said:
simple said:

talked abit only and really abit. but happy enuff. hahax.

nwayz, was on the phone with ash with spen on the net. . helpin to convey msg. hahax. or rather bicker! lolx. luckily when they bicker finish, my baby called!! lolx. hang with ash to talk with baby. whao~ juz realise am actually quite ok with him not bein ard~ been alwayz ok with bein alone or with frenz lo~ plus can bio guys huh~ =x hahax. and hey, not like i've dump him cos he's not ard and tat i have spotted someone attractive. lolx. some guys are foreva attractive to mi. lolx. count down to 5 more days when he'll be back. den.. 3more days to my sure fluck common test.

missin ppl~ my frenz..my gang!lolx

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 10:45 PM

nwayz, been slackin these days thou is the study week!! lolx. meet yy, ww and angela at cmt to eat 1st before gg sch lib to study~ was at level 5 tryin to photocopy some pp with yy and i guess we made spoilt most of the photocopy machine! all that we used were havin pp jam from machine to machine~ =x went to level 4 to use the photocopy machines instead~ hahax. those on level 4 were so chim to use~ anywayz, was caught after eatin biscuit in lib with the biscuit box on the table and packet of snacks beside mi[thou not mine]. that bloody librarian is soOo.. naggy! she took our identification card[whicheva tat can identify us] to issue warin letter one~ -_-|| mi and angela was gg off so we went to collect back out card~ den, she asked us to giv her reason y we do bring food or was so eva~ dun giv her reason, she demand for one, giv her lame one or rather bit true one she say crap. wad she wan?? bloody woman~

met up with mama before havin dinner. had dinner with parents at.. river valley there~ had japanese food~ my all time fav! hahax. saw a cute guy workin in the shop.. he looks young but.. seems mature...if am not wrong.. he wore contacts and he's quite big sizE~ hahax.

those guys r ppl i saw when went ktv that time with my poly mates~ --->

1:49 AM

_`the guy i not interested in but is the nicest lookin? Posted by Hello

1:48 AM

_`the guy angela think cute Posted by Hello

1:48 AM

_`the guy i think cool Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 23, 2005 11:24 PM

went rena's hse 1st to play with snoppy~ he is juz soooOo cute and mini~ hahax. not afraid to carry him also~ den went imm to support alicia in the singing competiton~ saw handsome saw pretties~ even cuties~ small kids mah~ hahax~ too bad alicia din got into semi final~ but she sang well~ i'll alwayz support her! pix are down there~ hahax

11:21 PM

alicia and des~ at 1st c the gal felt that she got slutty face~ but after being introduce~ she nice anywayz~ Posted by Hello

11:20 PM

alicia and desmond~ also at singing competition~ pretty? handsome? Posted by Hello

11:19 PM

alicia~ went to support her for singing competition today! Posted by Hello

1:15 AM

found that cool guy on friendster finally~ thankx to angela's help. gotta noe his name as Weiliang~

add on...: whao~ he's really nice guy~ cos.. help mi sing, help ppl sing songs~ den voice really gOod sia~ 2 thumbs up plus all toes up~! hahax. so mesmerize by his singin~ hahax.

//juz admirin...

Saturday, January 22, 2005 2:05 PM

meet up with rena, yuanyan, serene, angela, wannwah, and her bf, ben, ytd early in the mornin~ ate somethin at harbour front hawker before queueing up for the bus to go sentosa~

went sunset bay cos we are playin volleyball~ courts were all occupied so we juz play at the blank spaces elsewhere~ i put a lot of sun BLOCK lotion cos dun wanna be tanned~ hahax. the sun is really HOT~ decided to get into water to play "monkey game" cos the weather really cannot tahan~ hahax. was wearin yuanyan's bikini top cos gettin into water mah~ when we finally decided who the "monkey" is..[which is yuanya~ hahax.] a grp of guys came over and asked to join us~ we let them join cos.. no harm mah~ lolx. there were abt.. 12 of us playin? forgot to count la~ den 2 "monkeys" quite fun~ played for quite sometime before we [with the new known guys] played volleyball. we draw ourself a self made court on the sand. hahax. thanks to angela and a guy i fogot the name. lolx. saw a court and we quickly went to occupy it. hahax. so happy that i can actually serve the ball across the net! cant do it in sch thou~ *weird* was havin this burnin sensation cos sun too hot~ so stopped playin~ soon~ one by one stop playin and the guys also goin off le~ exchanged no. so that next time can cum out play again~

sinced am tanned, tis prove that the sun block lotion no use!! hahax. in the end, put sun tanned oil to have a better tan~ was buryin angela in the sun went 3 kids came over and say "hi" to dunno who. hahax. kids~ den over heard the kids say, "go over and ask the gals[us] be our sister la" -_-" burryin angela halfwayz~ another grp of guys came over and asked to take pix with us to show as evidence to their sergeant? wannawah say anythin so we take with them lo~

was abt 6plus when we went bath at the resort toilet~ den went harbour front food court to eat~ had thai food~ *yummy* rush home after eatin to bath~ met up with angela later in the night to go ktv with jason and joey~ sang for a while before jason's frenz came~ there's one cute guy and another cool one~ the cool one sure can sing well~ seems like wad song he also noe~ *eyes shine in him* hahax. jason is also a very good singer~ loud voice~ joey leh.. dun say le~ sing with him can die~ he juz love to act like gal's voice~ but his voice.. GOOD! hahax.

end the nitez at 3plus~

2:02 PM

after washed up~ where's wann wah? Posted by Hello

2:00 PM

whao~ sexy huh~ at sunset bay~ Posted by Hello

1:59 PM

rena.mi.angela.all tanned up~ Posted by Hello

1:58 PM

with rena on the bus otw to sentosa! Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:09 PM

a zoom in view~ there's bee hoon..fish balls..crab meat..pig liver..fish..prawn..lots of VEGGIE! Posted by Hello

11:08 PM

dinner at wannwah's hse~ wannwah's mom cookin~ Posted by Hello

11:07 PM

drinks at Beauty world hawker~ orange carrot;honey dew milk;green apple;sugarcane juices~ Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005 11:39 PM

mama and mi at ktv~ guess she how old? prize is one sweet~ hahax. Posted by Hello

11:35 PM

angela is juz so cuteeee with the hair tied~ cannnot dun take pic with her~ Posted by Hello

11:30 PM

freddie~ mi~ ming kit~ wad face~~~~~ hahax Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:09 PM

both actin~ forever acting~ hahax Posted by Hello

8:08 PM

the buddies~ ujin and mi~ so suay to meet at atrium in sch~ on bus.. 147 Posted by Hello

8:08 PM

juices after game of pool at mech master~ watermelon, carrot n orange, green apple and sugar cane juice~ wad's with the hand? Posted by Hello

8:06 PM

breakfast at MAc~ hardwork of wannwah and me~ pancake of yuanyan. Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005 1:26 PM

my baby juz called!! feelin so happy! so glad that i answered the call..cos normally when it's a call without number->"call 1", i wun answer~ but tis call is ->"call" only. that's y i answer~ was in tears when he called and talkin to him~ dunno y~ too happy le~ suddenly realise that i missed him soOoOoO much! 2 weeks more to go~

Saturday, January 15, 2005 11:56 PM

nutty gathering was cancelled today cos of some reasons~ was thinkin of slackin at home but couldn't slp anymore so went shoppin with rena~ din bought anything except for the bracelet~ and tried on some clothes~ [scroll down for pix]

nwayz, so many things juz love to happen in one day~ changes~ haizzzz~

11:54 PM

>>stupid pic taken at the stairs near PS bus stop with so many ppl lookin?? Posted by Hello

11:53 PM

>>bracelet from shop at Far Easst 1st storey Posted by Hello